Students of Grade 3 of Rasbihari International School went to the Post Office on January 25, 2023. The Rasbiharians began their exploration at General Post Office, Nashik. In the era of digitalization, visit to a Post Office was quite a unique and knowledgeable experience for the students. Post-master Mr. Sandeep Desale gave the detailed information about history of Indian post, number of post offices in India and around the world, services provided by the post office etc. Students were taken around to see how letters are collected, segregated, stamped, and then stored in pigeon holes for the mail carriers to collect. Philately department head Mrs. Jayshree Ghuge showed different postal stamps, post cards, envelopes etc. and informed about its uses. The students inquired about the parcel facilities, money orders and other facilities provided by the post office.
It was indeed an enriching experience for the students.