Students went for a school visit to a zilla parishad school to Jalalpur. They were warmly welcomed by the students where our students took the responsibility of instructing the kids some kind of art form which they have studied in the school. Students shared block printing using fingers and using varieties of other things like making a scenery using the art. Anushka Deore taught few dance steps and it was wonderful to see the other kids picking up the steps and dancing to the tunes. Students divided themselves into various group and took up activities like teaching them prayers, playing the Casio etc. One group took the responsibility of teaching the rules of football to the kids. The kids were so humble and keen to learn art forms like origami and quickly learnt the craft of making books using craft papers. This was something very touching as students were helping each other, taking turns to see to it that all the kids are addressed and no one feels left out. Our students expressed their gratitude towards the school as they could learn the values of sharing, caring, sense of contentment with the things they have been blessed with. They thoroughly enjoyed the time and it will always be cherished in their minds. They also shared their take away from the visit which will always remain green in their minds.

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