It was an exciting week for all the students from 13th August to 16th August 2019. Everyday began with mathematical quiz in the assembly, which was planned and executed by the students of grade 9th and 10th. Activities planned by grade 6 and 7 students showcased that Math is a part of our daily life and is an integral part of all the subjects . Parents from grade 6 and 7 participated in Math puzzles , games , riddles, and tricks designed by the students. Grade 8 students organised “Metric Mela” for the students and staff. It was a refreshing session for all the staff members to go back to their school days and enjoy solving Math.Parents appreciated the initiative and effort put in by the students in designing the games and integrating Math concepts, they did mention that students were confident in their presentation.Grade 10 students planned and executed inquiry based classes for the primary section. Students worked collaboratively and decided the topics, resources and experienced the role of being a facilitator for the primary classes. The week not only focused on Math and its concepts but also gave opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Math in real life and confirmed the fact that Math is not standalone but an integral part of our life. Students took the ownership of planning the class tasks in co-ordination with their Math teachers. Mrs. Minakshi More ensured that the spirit of Math week was executed well by co-ordinating with students, teachers and parents.
22nd August 2019