It’s fun! Students themselves get excited for guest lectures, especially when they are from someone known to them or someone they admire. Not many schools opt for guest lectures or may be unaware of the benefits of it. Practical approach with theoretical knowledge is the necessity to learn any field.
Rasbihari International School, believes that true education goes beyond the textbook. It works with experts in a number of fields outside pure academics that help equip students with a holistic education, preparing them for life after school.
It is truly said that “Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry and learning”.
While exploring the characteristic of sound, grade 8 students explored various resources such as musical instruments, instruments made from paper, kitchen resources and were curious to know how to increase and decrease the pitch of a particular instrument. They wanted to kbow the difference between percussion and string instruments. They also listed their questions with regard to working of musical instruments and sound they produce. They were curious to know the history of instruments, types, how it produces sound, how to increase and decrease a pitch, difference between pitch and volume.
So, to help students understand and make connection, a guest lecture was organized in Grade 8. Our well known, renowned musician Mr. SubhashDasakar sir clarified their doubts. He narrated a story to help them understand how musical instruments were discovered and explained them difference between percussion and string instruments. He demonstrated few of the working of musical instruments and helped to understand how sound is produced. He also shared the advancement in the instruments with latest updates, available apps and working principle. He was overwhelmed with students’ questions, response and thrust for learning.
Classroom is a hub for exploring, analyzing and imbibing all that surrounds young and eager minds. Inviting guest speakers into a classroom is a very beneficial tool that should be utilized as much as possible. It helps students improve their learning in a more interactive, topic specific way and make classes more approachable and appealing to students.