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    School celebrates Republic Day with patriotic fervor

    School celebrates Republic Day with patriotic fervor


    The celebrations commenced with the hoisting of Indian Flag by the senior staff member, Mrs. Shilpa Ahiray, who is the Primary principal of the school.The students saluted the National Flag and pledged themselves to upholding the honour and integrity, diversity and uniqueness that is “India”. A heartfelt tribute to the Martyrs, and the power of the National Anthem and the Flag song soaked everyone at Rasbihari with pride and renewed their love for the country.The school Head girl Miss. Anushwara Vijaykumar and the Head boy Mast. Aditya Ahiray shared their thoughtful views and gratitude with the audience. Mrs. Shilpa Ahiray addressed the students and urged them to do their best and feel proud to be Indians.The celebration ended with “VandeMataram” sung by the school choir. The celebration was coordinated well by Mrs.Rupali Kulkarni.

    26th Jan 2019

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