On occasion of World Wildlife Day, Ms. Pratiksha Kothule, Volunteer at Nature conservation society of Nashik was invited for a guest lecture on nature and birds. The guest shared an informative PowerPoint Presentation with the students talking about the varied forms of birds based on size, colour, habit and habitats. This session made students aware about the ecological value of birds as important elements of natural systems, that birds provide insect and rodent control, plant pollination, and seed dispersal which result in tangible benefits to people. Birds play a critical role in reducing and maintaining populations of insects or same size birds in natural systems. We are thankful to the guest for having an informative and interactive session with the students. Students from Grade 6th and 7th made presentations based on the topic ‘Endangered animals’ and ‘how the space of wildlife is being taken away. ‘This helped students to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants.